Retningslinjer for antikoagulation

Retningslinjer for antikoagulation

De lokale retningslinjer for antikoagulationsbehandling fra King’s Thrombosis Centre er tilgængelige nedenfor:

Retningslinjer for antikoagulation:

  • Anticoagulation_Quick_Reference_Guide.pdf

Initial håndtering af blødning hos patienter, der får ordineret apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban eller rivaroxaban:

  • Apixaban hæmorrhage protocol.pdf
  • Dabigatran hæmorrhage protocol – Denmark Hill Site.pdf
  • Dabigatran hæmorrhage protocol – PRUH site.pdf
  • Rivaroxaban – Edoxaban hæmorrhage protocol – Denmark Hill site.pdf
  • Rivaroxaban – Edoxaban hæmorrhage protocol – PRUH site.pdf

Retningslinjer for håndtering af oral antikoagulationsbehandling, når en patient skal have et kirurgisk eller invasivt indgreb:

  • pdfKing’s peri-operative antikoagulationsretningslinje
  • pdfKing’s peri-operative antikoagulations-proforma
  • Retningslinjer for håndtering af antitrombotisk behandling hos patienter, der gennemgår endoskopiske indgreb.pdf

Retningslinjer for håndtering af heparininduceret trombocytopeni:

  • Håndtering af heparininduceret trombocytopeni.pdf

Fabrikanternes resumé af produktegenskaber


Nationale og internationale retningslinjer for antikoagulation

British Society of Haematology:

  • Guidelines on oral anticoagulation with warfarin – 4th edition, 2011
  • Safety indicators for inpatient and outpatient oral anticoagulation care – 2007
  • Guidelines on the use and monitoring of heparin – 2006
  • Management of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia – 2nd edition, 2012
  • Guidelines on the assessment of bleeding prior to a surgical or invasive procedure – 2007
  • Guidelines for the management of patients on oral anticoagulants requiring dental surgery – 2007
  • Måling af non-coumarin anticoagulants and their effects on tests of haemostasis. Vejledning fra British Committee for Standards in Haematology – 2014

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists:

  • RCOG Green-top guideline no.37a: Reduktion af risikoen for trombose og emboli under graviditet og puerperium – april 2015
  • RCOG Green-top guideline no.37b: Tromboembolisk sygdom under graviditet og puerperium: akut behandling – april 2015

ASH VTE-retningslinjer:

  • American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: optimal håndtering af antikoagulationsbehandling
  • American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: venøs tromboembolisme i forbindelse med graviditet
  • American Society of Hematology 2018 retningslinjer for håndtering af venøs tromboembolisme: Heparin-induceret trombocytopeni
  • American Society of Hematology 2018 retningslinjer for håndtering af venøs tromboembolisme: behandling af pædiatrisk venøs tromboemboli

American College of Chest Physicians:

  • Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians evidensbaserede kliniske retningslinjer for klinisk praksis – februar 2012

Anticoagulation Patient Information Leaflets

King’s direct oral anticoagulation patient information leaflets:

Apixaban AF-på indlægsseddel

Dabigatran AF-på indlægsseddel

Edoxaban AF-på indlægsseddel

Rivaroxaban AF-på indlægsseddel

Apixaban VTE-på indlægsseddel

Apixaban VTE-på indlægsseddel indlægsseddel

Dabigatran indlægsseddel om VTE

Edoxaban indlægsseddel om VTE

Rivaroxaban indlægsseddel om VTE

Rivaroxaban indlægsseddel om overfladisk venetrombose